Taking back Germany

Many of my first readers have heard about the infamous german teacher of mine. The one that spent an entire year of class defaming students who held support for Donald Trump. If you haven’t you can read the article here.

Since the 2016 election cycle is over and Donald Trump has been in office for over 6 months, the anti trump preaching from my german teacher is beginning to die down. Since it is a German class we’ve started off the year by actually learning about something related to Germany. We have been learning about Germany’s national election which is taking place this September. Angela Merkel has been the Chancellor of Germany since 2005 is running for office again. Angela Merkel is part of the Christian Democrat Party, to most she is considered the most liberal of a candidate possible. Yet somehow in Western Europe importing thousands of criminals and jihadis into your country isn’t liberal enough. The candidate who is behind Merkel in the polls is Martin Schulz leader of the left-leaning Social Democrats, who is somehow even farther on the left than Merkel herself. Election of either of these candidates would only quicken the crumbling of German society.

Germany has beautiful architecture, culture, and people. Having Germans spending their weekends in lederhosen, drinking locally brewed beer, eating fresh wienerschnitzel, and smoking their pipes with the alps in the background and their families by their side is a beautiful sight. Germany is a land with so much beauty in both the land and the people, and they should protect it at all costs. Angela Merkel will do nothing but destroy the German people and their livelihood for the sake of corporations and bankers. And this Martin Schulz wins, the Germans may be in an even worse situation we were in before.

Martin Schultz, similar to Angela Merkel, has tried his best to stay quiet on the immigration issue. Even though it is by far the largest problem Europe is facing today, neither politician wants to make controversial comments on the issue. Schultz claims that he doesn’t think the country should hand out asylum to everyone, but that people should be given the chance to come to Europe and better their life. This most likely translates to importing the same amount of immigrants as Merkel has.

Even though he isn’t looking good in the polls, our support should be for Alexander Gauland. He is the candidate for the Alternative for Deutschland party. Alternative for Deutschland, is a right wing nationalist party in Germany. It has grown tremendously in response to the government of Germany shipping in thousands of unwanted migrants into the country. We have seen nationalist movements like these spark one after the other throughout the western world. Brexit and the election of Donald Trump are the only two that have made a real impact so far. However, last year we saw a massive surge in votes for the populous party in both France and the Netherlands, with the campaigns of Geert Wilders and Marie Le Pen. Both losing their elections but only slightly and because of opposing party coalitions.

Germany has virtually no chance of electing a nationalist chancellor, but this is largely due to the massive censorship online pertaining to the German election. Accounts posting anything against Angela or migrants is automatically deleted. Even if we can’t make any headway having to do with the position of chancellor, the party can make headway earning a few parliamentary seats. The first step to changing the system is having your people slowly and quietly infiltrate the system. That is the step you need to take before having some huge grassroots movement. A good tactic that the alt right and other American nationalist movements need to copy is that of posting public ads for political parties. All over Germany and even Austria it is not uncommon to see a political party campaigning on a billboard on the side of the road. Here are some examples of ads that Alternative for Deutschland have released to the public.

Burkas? We’re going out in Bikinis.
The Muslims? Do not fit in our kitchen.
The track of the World Chancellor through Europe.
New Germans? We can make them by ourselves.

After this online purge that the alt right has just gone through, we need to start red pilling more and more in the real world similar to that of the ads of Alternative for Deutschland.

Divide and Conquer

The Orthosphere

You’re walking down a corridor at work. Maybe you’re on your way to a critical meeting of the Annual Picnic Planning Committee, but you nevertheless notice a new poster on the wall. Or at least you think it’s new. Maybe it has always been there.

Diversity is Our Strength!

The words appear under a group shot of people who don’t look at all alike, except for the smiles. In fact, they look a lot like the Annual Picnic Planning Committee, except for the smiles.

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To Seek for Rule, Supremacy, and Sway*

The Orthosphere

We are hearing a lot about “White Supremacy” these days, mostly from shills who are ignorant, or mendacious, or who combine both qualities with a cunning eye on the main chance.  My local newspaper, for instance, recently saw fit to mention that a couple of lowlifes on their way to prison are members of a “white supremacist gang,” while omitting to mention that it had itself been, for most of its long history, a White Supremacist newspaper.

This is not to say that it expressed hatred for Blacks; but a hundred years of back issues evidence the implicit doctrine that Whites shouldrule.

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More troops in Afghanistan…

Paleoconservatives and members of the Alt right have been very concerned with immigration in recent years. Which makes complete sense due to the fact that western nations all over the globe are experiencing mass demographic change and their race is undergoing a genocide in their very own home countries. However another issue that paleoconservatives, the alt right, and even our founding fathers all agree on is not getting involved in foreign affairs. George Washington stated in his farewell address “It is our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliance with any portion of the foreign world”. Thomas Jefferson showed that he had very similar views with Washington on foreign policy, when he said “Peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations-entangling alliances with none.” during his inaugural address.

Throughout the country’s history we have been involved in war. The more recent the war, the stupider the reason for going to war usually sounds. It has been around fourteen years since George W. Bush declared war on Iraq, due to ‘muh weapons of mass destruction’. Turns out Saddam had no sort of weapons like that whatsoever. That was the first reason we were given for why we were sending our boys to the land of jihadis. Currently we are still at war in Afghanistan. Originally the plan was to start looking around for some guy named Osama Bin Laden, the arab who planned the dreadful attacks on 9/11. Bin Laden was killed by a team of Navy Seals. All of this happened by 2011, and somehow we are still sending our young men to get blown up in these countries. The Iraq war which started in 2003 lasted for about eight years and nine months. We also waged war against ISIL in 2014, which is the terrorist organization that was created by the void left without Al Qaeda or large U.S. military presence. The government and media have told us over and over again that there are these supposed threats overseas. 

If the U.S. truly cared about protecting human rights and toppling oppressive dictatorships they would be in the majority of Middle Eastern, South American, and African countries. The main reason as to why the U.S. is only involved in the Middle East is due to self interest. Everybody knew that George Bush’s cabinet was filled with wealthy oil execs. The main reason for these American Wars in the Middle East are for acquiring of resources. The irony of it all is that the same groups who are bombing these foreign countries filled with a people who practice a rather violent religion already, are advocating for us to open our borders up to these people. This is why Europe has had hundreds and hundreds of their people slaughtered in the name of Allah every year.

Donald Trump had a very paleoconservative view on foreign involvement, similar to that of the founding fathers. He condemned Bush for putting so many troops into the Middle East. During the campaign he said that our involvement was a waste of effort. Yet, he also pointed out that Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton removing troops from the Middle East caused a power vacuum which helped create ISIS, which is true. Nonetheless, he continued to campaign on the idea of getting us out of the Middle East, which appealed to voters.

Earlier this week we learned that Donald Trump had just ordered more troops to be sent over to Afghanistan. This is another broken campaign promise, no different than the missile strike in Syria. I understand that Donald Trump is most likely pretty cozy to more than a few oil executives, but we cannot let this go without consequences. We can’t keep having our young men being blown up by Jihadis doped up on coke just so that the CEO of some oil company can buy a few new yachts. We must listen to George Washington, and trust that he knew what he was talking about when he told us to stay away from foreign entanglements.


Our Goys

So far Donald Trump has not been the most successful president, or at least with issues concerning us. Syria was bombed. The muslim ban failed. The Wall has yet to be built. DACA has not been repealed and thousands of illegals are getting amnesty every day.  Two of the most fundamental reasons why members who identify as alternative right supported Donald Trump was because of his paleoconservative outlook on both immigration and foreign policy. Sure unemployment is low and I.C.E. is actually enforcing immigration law for once, but so far there has been a number of empty promises Donald Trump made during the campaign.

Don’t get me wrong, a presidency under Hillary Clinton would be far worse. Hillary would be importing millions of third world immigrants by the day, and we would be entangled in some World War 3 involving Russia and Syria. Out of every politician in office in the United States, Donald Trump is the closest one to being our guy, yet he is far from being our guy. The idea of  “Make America Great Again” is more of an idea than a campaign slogan, to those on the alt right. This shows that we have real ideas for the future of the nation and are not just a group of Trump cheerleaders, like those in the alt light. Many on the alt right have serious concerns with a Trump presidency, but we all realize that he is by far the best possible candidate we could have at this time. We only have about four to eight years to grow our movement, because the next president, neocon or democrat, will do nothing but try and crush the movement.

The entire bureaucracy of Washington D.C. is doing their best to undermine Trump every chance they get. Donald Trump is definitely not red pilled on most issues and most likely doesn’t listen to Fash the Nation every Sunday, but we do have a select few in his cabinet who are somewhat ‘our guys’. Probably the most influential of these people was Steve Bannon who was just fired as Donald Trumps Chief Strategist yesterday. Out of all the people Donald Trump has fired in the last few weeks, Bannon was really one of the only people whom we needed to stay. Trumps base needs to let him know that he will lose support if all he does is try to appease the deep state.

Huff Post wrote the headline titled “Goy, Bye” with a picture of Steve Bannon, referring to his removal from the White House. The term Goy refers to a non-jew. The site was celebrating the removal of a white from the capitol. Even though Huff Post is part of mainstream media, many even on the left were appalled for the anti-semitic remarks claiming that the federal government is heavily influenced by Jews.


After major controversy, Huff Post changed the headline from “Goy, Bye” to “White Flight”. This way they could still offend white people, but weren’t at risk for being anti-semitic.1503084862850

The firing of Steve Bannon was a major blow to us on the far right. Trumps cabinet is now filled even more with globalist CEO’s with nothing but their companies in mind. However, we still have a few guys in the White House to help Trump “Make America Great Again”.

Steve Miller is the White House staffer other than Bannon that we were set on keeping during Trumps firing frenzy. Bannon is now gone, but we still have Miller. While none of these guys have said anything remotely friendly about the alt right, they are pushing for somewhat paleoconservative and nationalist policies. Steve Miller is Trumps senior advisor for policy who worked closely with Bannon. Miller has done a lot of work on immigration restriction and cracking down on sanctuary cities. The muslim travel ban was formed by both Miller and Bannon.

We do not want to see another neocon presidency like during the Bush era, were we were having our young men blown up in the Middle East while millions of foreigners invaded our nation. The folks who supported Donald Trump need to let him know that he will not get re-elected in 2020 if he does not fulfill campaign promises or somewhat attempt to fulfill them. There is no reason for him to try and please people who will never support him. Trump has already made quite a few mistakes, but it’s not too late to turn around his presidency. He needs to keep Miller, build the wall, end DACA, get out of Syria, and listen to his base. If that starts happening you just might see Donald back in the White House in 2020.

Political Activism

A combination of mass immigration and anti-white rhetoric has helped create nationalist movements through out Europe and The United States. With the vote for Brexit and election of Donald Trump, nationalist movements have been spreading like wild fire. The alt right is one of the fastest growing nationalist movements in the country. Last year the alt right was known to a very select few, and it was only talked about in the deep dark depths of the internet. The group was brought into the spot light by mainstream media after Hillary Clinton brought up the group during a debate between her and Donald Trump, trying to slander Donald Trump by associating him with the group. Donald Trump still won the election, and the alt right has grown in numbers by the thousands.

Leaders of the movement have done a great job by spreading their message with articles, videos, and podcasts over the internet. However, with controversial sites on the far right being purged by their hosts, and the social media accounts of conservative figures being banned, the internet is no longer our homeland. Alt right groups need to be doing more of what we saw over the past weekend in Charlottesville. We need to be having rallies, protests, and demonstrations in cities all over the nation.

Nationalist and Identitarian groups in Europe are known to go out in public and have political demonstrations. The college group Identity Evropa has also been involved in real life activism. We need to be having these demonstrations as often and in as many places as possible. The more events we have, the more we will be mentioned by the media. We are growing fast, but even at this rate we won’t be able to accomplish much until it is too late. Fake News is making the same mistake they made while covering Donald Trump. The more media coverage he got whether it was good or bad, the more popular he became. With doing public events and getting the mainstream media to cover us, we will reach more and more people who we may have not been able to reach over the internet. Even when we are being called neo-nazis by Fake News, we get coverage, which gets people to research the movement, which eventually helps red pill them. The whole nazi image is a bad aesthetic, and it only hurts the movement, but in the end it doesn’t matter much, because any one who is slightly right-wing will be considered a Nazi anyway. An Austrian nationalist youth organization makes a political statement against the Islamization of Europe by putting a hijab on a statue of Austrian Empress Maria Theresa.

Having demonstrations like these are what local groups in the movement need to be doing. If you and a bunch of local buddies all share the same views on immigration and cultural marxism then you need to be taking a stand. I understand that the threat of doxxing is very real and that it can have serious consequences. Members who have been doxxed have lost jobs, been threatened, disowned by friends and family members, kicked out of school, and even attacked by groups such as antifa. People need to realize that doxxing will be the very least of their worries in about twenty to thirty years when white people are minorities and we are treated as second class citizens in a country that our forefathers built. When we have laws such as they do in the European Union were people can go to jail for criticizing Islam, but migrants can rape kids without being persecuted, people are going to regret not defending their country. The more people who come out as alt right, the more the movement will be normalized, and the less people will be persecuted.

Politics are changing and a revolution is arising. What is happening is more important than any individual. Even though the members of my family at the time of the American Revolution were Loyalists, I want people to think of themselves as patriots who are revolting against the establishment. Be a George Washington, a Robert E. Lee, or a Sam Houston. They would all be members of the alt right. This movement is literally defending our children from the genocide of our people. I want too see alt right members protesting gay marriage at the local church or having a white heritage seminar at the local library. We must not cower to the threat of being called a Nazi. We must grow in numbers, and take back the nation.